About Page

About me…

My name is Peter Linfield. I’m married with two  grown up children, a son and a daughter. I’m a Christian and I write. That doesn’t make me a Christian writer, but a writer who is a Christian. I live in Chester, which is the place of my birth. If you’ve never been there, put it on your “To-Do” list, it’s a beautiful city with some fantastic history.

I’m also a cyclist. Through this blog, I’ll tell you about both my cycling and my writing journeys along with anything else that I find interesting enough to share with you.

About Cycling…

I enjoy going down hills but seldom up them. I’m a slow cyclist, so I’m not one of those blokes that charge around in Lycra doing 20 mph. If I’ve averaged 12½ mph by the end of a ride, I’m rather pleased with myself.

I prefer cycling alone, that way I set my own pace, I can detour from my chosen route any time and when I’ve had enough, I can head home by the shortest route. I can stop for a rest, a meal or even chat with a stranger. Life like that can be good!

I’m happy in my own company, but this also means that I’ve had some great cycling experiences without being able to share them. I’ll be using this blog to relive those moments and share them with you.

About Writing…

Until now, my writing accomplishments have been modest. My published work to date has been magazine articles. Alongside this, I have a portfolio of work in progress. My writing topics cover, history, nostalgia, heritage and cycling. I also have some interview and travel writing experience.

In addition to this, I have a number of fiction projects in the pipeline. If you are interested to find out what I’m currently working on and generally up to, you’re welcome to read and explore my blog.

Peter Linfield's Blog

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